founded by Mr.
Mr. Shaikh Mohammad Obaid founded a humble setup of only 6 terry looms, making the finest towels in the market, and developed that into a company called Towellers.

From 6 terry looms to a network of factories
Within 10 years and his hard work, grit, and vision to be the best, those 6 terry looms turned into a significant network of factories with a diversified portfolio of products both in Pakistan and abroad.

Made in Pakistan,
sold globally
For the next 32 years, Mr. Obaid expanded the business and made Towellers the trusted manufacturer globally, taking the 'Made in Pakistan' tag to international markets. Towellers successfully won the top exporter award for 2 decades.

2010 — Mehreen was appointed CEO of Towellers
Taking her father's legacy as her guiding principle, Mehreen Obaid Agha as the CEO of Towellers ensured the continuation of the values of Towellers where each client was treated as family and each product was produced to perfection.

Sisterhood takes the legacy forward
Mrs. Mehreen Obaid Agha was later joined by her sisters as fellow board members. The Obaid sisters established themselves in the industry and made Towellers a part of a handful of female-run textile companies in the region.

Today — Growth beyond imagination
Today Towellers employs over 5000 employees, with exports of over $55 million. With scaling success in the knitwear apparel division, Towellers is continuously expanding its apparel manufacturing since 1986, achieving a 75% year-over-year growth.

Upwards and upwards
Towellers facilities are operational day and night to produce exceptional textiles but what makes it so unique is that every thread tells a story of how a man and his daughters created a company that wanted to be a part of the lives of all its customers.